Upcoming Sermons
March 23rd- Pastor Mike is continuing Part II of “How to Defeat Depression.” Pastor will offer 7 tips on defeating depression. 1Kings 19:1-4. Last weeks sermon included tips 1-3.
#1 Don’t focus on feelings, focus on facts
#2 Don’t compare yourself to others
#3 Don’t exaggerate the NEGATIVE
3 more to go on Sunday at 10:30am. See you soon!
April Events
April 13th Palm Sunday @10:30am– This is the first day of Holy Week when Jesus rode on a donkey to Jerusalem, as foretold in a prophecy in the Old Testament in Isaiah and Zechariah. People shouted “Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna!”
April 18th- Good Friday Service @ 6:00pm – Join us this evening and invite your family & friends as we reflect on Jesus’ ultimate sacrifice for man’s sins.
April 20th- Easter Worship Celebration @ 10:30am– “He is Risen! He is risen, indeed!”
Recap of March Events
We had a great time at the Ladies Welcome Luncheon! Welcome Katrina West to the Calvary Assembly Family!